Clic here to create an acount in Faune-France: than you will be able to share your sightings with others and to explore what species live around you or elsewhere.
Clic here to parameter Faune-France according to what you need.
Do you want to learn more about the best way to record your sightings? Please clic here.
Clic here to record your sightings in a list. Fill a form with all the species you have identified in the same place in a more thant 4 minutes session.
Clic here to record casual sightings (not a list of species). You just want to record some sightings and not all what you have seen.
Clic here to learn how to record a complete list in live directly in the field with precise location of each sighting. A complete list is a list with all the species you have seen in a particuliar place in more than a 4 minutes session. It can be in a spot or along a transect (in that case please clic "Record your track"). RECOMMANDED BY FAUNE-FRANCE.
Clic here to learn how to record casual records in NaturaList.
Clic here to learn how to record yours sightings in a list later (or live in an aggregated list). Recording your sightings in this way means that you watched wildlife in the same spot during a more than 4 minutes.
Clic here to record casual sightings later in NaturaList in case you have changed of spot or only want to record few species.
Written by Valentin Guirous, 01/03/2018
updated by PhJo, 03/08/2020